Wednesday, September 09, 2009


More of a test than anything, I wanted to try out making a robot out of wood. Here he is before I painted him:

And here he is afterward:

I didn't really have a pattern design in mind for him 'cause I just wanted to get the paint on there to see how it would look, so I kinda rushed to get that done and didn't sand him down enough. But he has pants, apparently! I think in the future it'd be cool to experiment with staining parts of the wood because I liked the natural look of him. Oh, and and to make him with moving parts. That's be cool, too.


lafulanitadetal said...

oh yeah! nice experiment!

muy bonito!

saludos from barcelona!

Anonymous said...


I'm extremely disapopinted that this character is not called, "Ro-Billy-bot." I'm still struggling to take the knife out of my back.

joey jacco said...

That's actually the code name for the new one I'm working on.